Warrior Servants are those who choose to serve in professions that require great discipline, loyalty, and drive. They come when they are called. They suit up and show up when they are needed. Mental health for Warrior Servants has traditionally been addressed the same way.
Imagine shifting the incident response model of mental health into a pre-incident education model. This ground-breaking book examines how the culture among Warrior Servants can shift towards prioritizing their physical health, mental health, relationships, and normalizing the emotional impacts of the job.

The principles and applications of Living Ideation fit well with the men and women who serve our communities. Dr. Nicholas provides consultations and trainings for Warrior Servant populations that include: wildland and structure fire, law enforcement, EMS, emergency dispatch, and military.

In addition to having a comprehensive private practice in Reno, NV, he is the in-house mental health clinician for the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District and the clinical consultant for the Nevada Peer Support Network. Steve works with BLM and Forest Service wildland firefighters during their preseason trainings and he facilitates Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) services.

This YouTube video is an example of work that has been delivered to the Bureau of Land Management. The trainings have been adapted to many different organizations.